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Explore our ongoing projects, community involvement, and upcoming events that contribute to the Rising Tide Effect, creating waves of positive change in water safety.

At Rising Tide Effect, our mission is to reach as many people as possible, empowering them with the knowledge and skills to stay safe in and around water. We are committed to leveraging every available channel to spread our message and make a meaningful impact on communities.


Whether through social media, community events, partnerships, or educational programs, we are dedicated to ensuring that our life-saving information reaches those who need it most. Our advocacy efforts are designed to raise awareness, influence policy, and foster a culture of water safety that enriches and protects lives and prevents tragedies.


Join us in our mission to create a safer world by supporting our initiatives and spreading the word. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every person has the tools and knowledge to stay safe in the water.

Community & Media Advocacy



Rising Tide Effect is a founding member of the Water Safety Coalition and currently serves as vice chair. The Water Safety Coalition is a collaborative force united by a single vision: water safety as a fundamental right. We are humanitarian advocates—residents, community activists, non-profit champions, and local businesses—devoted to ensuring that New York City and all of New York thrive through a culture of safe and inclusive water-based recreation and education.


Our focus is on making the maximum positive impact by addressing the root inequities of water safety: the inaccessibility and lack of water safety education and policy. By tackling these issues, we cultivate greater inclusivity and justice in water recreation and ocean conservation communities.


Read more about the Water Safety Coalition on their website: 



The New York State Temporary Commission to Prevent Childhood Drowning was established in December 2021, following the passing of a bill (A.7734/S.7129, 2021) introduced by the Honorable Stacey Pheffer Amato, Assemblywoman, 23rd District, and the Honorable Timothy M. Kennedy, State Senator, 63rd District. Governor Kathy Hochul signed the bill into law, reinforcing the State's commitment to addressing the rise in childhood drownings.

Rising Tide Effect's founder, Kaitlin Krause, is proud to serve as an appointed commissioner on this commission. The Commission is charged with evaluating and creating programs to educate children and caregivers about water safety protocols. Its efforts encompass consulting with experts, collaboratively working within committees to fulfill its objectives, and conducting public meetings and town halls to gather input and raise awareness. The Commission is set to publish its conclusive report in December 2024.


Read more about the commission here: Commission to Prevent Childhood Drowning



Rising Tide Effect’s "Tidal Impact" Podcast is an enlightening series that deeply explores the intricacies of our relationship with water and water safety.

Featuring a diverse range of guests, the podcast tackles critical topics such as cutting-edge safety technology, the alarming impacts of an increasingly warmer ocean, compelling first-hand accounts, and insights from government and agency perspectives. Our mission is to inspire a global shift in how we relate to water, significantly enhancing water safety awareness and practices.


Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media to be informed when the first episode is released!



At Rising Tide Effect, we're committed to spreading crucial water safety information far and wide. One of our key initiatives is creating impactful Public Service Announcements (PSAs) to educate the public about the dangers of open waters and the importance of water safety.

We've partnered with Director and Executive Producer, Andréanna Seymore to craft engaging PSAs that highlight the risks associated with open water and provide essential safety tips. Our aim is to reach diverse audiences with messages that can save lives and promote a culture of water safety.

These PSAs feature real stories, expert advice, and actionable steps everyone can take to stay safe in and around water. By leveraging various media platforms, we ensure that these life-saving messages are seen and heard by as many people as possible.


Stay informed by signing up for our newsletter or following us on social media to find out when our next PSA is released. Together, we can make a difference and foster a safer, more informed community.


Read more about Andréanna Seymore's work on her website.


Past & Upcoming Events

  • NYCHA Swim Corps Graduation Ceremony (free)
    NYCHA Swim Corps Graduation Ceremony (free)
    Thu, Aug 15
    Long Island University (Kumble Theater)
    Aug 15, 2024, 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM
    Long Island University (Kumble Theater), 1 University Plz, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
    Aug 15, 2024, 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM
    Long Island University (Kumble Theater), 1 University Plz, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
    Join us in our celebration of our NYCHA Swim Corps Graduates for the Summer 2024 program!
  • Water Rescue Demonstration Event (free)
    Water Rescue Demonstration Event (free)
    Thu, Aug 01
    Rockaway Beach (Beach @ 63rd Street)
    Aug 01, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
    Rockaway Beach (Beach @ 63rd Street), Rockaway Beach, Queens, NY, USA
    Aug 01, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
    Rockaway Beach (Beach @ 63rd Street), Rockaway Beach, Queens, NY, USA
    Join our swim corps participants in a rescue demo from the real life heroes of the FDNY Marine Unit. come have fun and learn lifesaving information with your community!
  • Mermaid Chè Monique: Water Safety Education (free)
    Mermaid Chè Monique: Water Safety Education (free)
    Sun, Jul 14
    Ocean Park Apartment Complex Pool
    Jul 14, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
    Ocean Park Apartment Complex Pool, 125 Beach 17th St, Queens, NY 11691, USA
    Jul 14, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
    Ocean Park Apartment Complex Pool, 125 Beach 17th St, Queens, NY 11691, USA
    Join us to learn about water safety at the Ocean Park pool!

Rising Tide in the Media

Social Media

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